Garbage bags have no wings
On January 6, the municipal team cleaned up the wild deposit of garbage and garbage bags deposited at the green relay at the top of Mondini woods.
These deposits were in the whole household garbage bags!
Some identified, coming from other municipalities!
Why not drop them off at your bin in your bin?
Bags of glass bottles placed at the foot of the glass recuperator!
It's hard to raise your arm.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the litterers, apparently you like Roquefixade, since you come from far away by car to deposit your garbage with us!
Shame on you.
Garbage cans have no wings!
Help us keep our beautiful town clean !
These deposits were in the whole household garbage bags!
Some identified, coming from other municipalities!
Why not drop them off at your bin in your bin?
Bags of glass bottles placed at the foot of the glass recuperator!
It's hard to raise your arm.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the litterers, apparently you like Roquefixade, since you come from far away by car to deposit your garbage with us!
Shame on you.
Garbage cans have no wings!
Help us keep our beautiful town clean !